Erie Masonic District

Grand Lodge of the State of New York
Erie County, NY

Grand Sword Bearer’s Fall Message

As the leaves change color and fall to the ground, the leadership in our Lodges is kicking it into the next gear and turning what were once plans into fruitful results.  Brothers are rising to their challenges and exceeding expectations set forth in front of them through hard work and forward planning.

Communication continues to be critical when working to keep our Craft moving in the proper direction.  Our leaders are trained to utilize all forms of communication.  We need to do our part to respond to these messages.  It means a lot to get feedback when communicating so please do your part and respond to summonses, requests and updates you receive.  Communication is only successful when it is a two way street.

A big part of being a Mason is learning to subdue our passions and improve ourselves.  Through the Compasses we are also taught to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds with ALL mankind.   This means we need to work on restraint, be disciplined and not only focus on easy accomplishments.  Step outside your comfort zone and try new challenging tasks.  Do not sit back and talk about what should be done but go out and make the changes needed solve challenging problems.  What we do for others is multitudes more rewarding than what we may do for ourselves.

As Masons we all share common principles and beliefs which enable us to travel outside our familiar homes and comfortable is foreign lands.  Take advantage of this unique opportunity and sojourn.  More and more Brothers are traveling and knocking down those perceived boundaries of our own lodges, districts and jurisdictions.  The friends you make and the lessons you learn are last forever.

My Brothers, keep working hard to learn the proper way to conduct your actions and do not be afraid to make mistakes.  As long as you continue to put in the time and effort, the results will come with experience and learning from your mistakes.  We are all here as a team striving to do our best and improve.  We cannot achieve our ultimate goals without first stumbling along the way.  Remember anything worth doing is worth doing right and it will come with frustrations, heartache and sometimes disappointment, but do not let these stop you from achieving your goals.

The next opportunity to take part in the Road to the East classes is quickly approaching in early November.  Please see the details in this Masonic News and at   If you have taken the class already please consider sitting in on the sessions to pick up more light in Masonry.  If you have not taken these courses please consider taking this opportunity.  You will learn the tools to be better Men, Masons and Leaders.

Happy Holiday Days from myself and Family.  May your Holiday Season be full of joy, safe travels.


Robert Drzewucki

Grand Sword Bearer